Sunday, December 29, 2019
3D Printing Spawns Fabric
3D Printing Spawns Fabric 3D Printing Spawns Fabric 3D Printing Spins FabricAt long last, the cut of your clothes need no longer depend upon the whims of a designer, the average consumer body type, or evenfor those who can afford itthe skill of a tailor. The Electroloom will soon bring the 3D printing of garments to the hands, and imaginations, of garment wearers of all shapes and sizes. The name of this new printer is something of a misnomer. For there is no loom in the Electroloomno weaving of any kind, actually. Instead, incredibly fine fibers are spun out of a nozzle and matted together, much as wood fibers mesh to make paper. The technology comes to textiles through the world of bioengineering The founders of the company, two mechanical engineers and a computer engineer, worked together making artificial blood vessels as grad students at the California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo. They created these fibers by applying a high voltage to droplets at the tips of tiny nozzles, a process called electrospinning. As they earned their degrees, they discussed the possibility of using the same technique to make fabrics. The brainstorming continued post graduation and eventually the trio to quit their jobs to develop the Electroloom full time.The Electroloom 3D fabric printer with syringe pump inside. reputation Electroloom The chief difference between making costumes and making capillaries, they soon found, is the need for speed. The setup theyd been using in school had a single nozzle and produced threads at a painfully slow rate. We added more nozzles so we could produce fibers faster, we changed the solution chemistry so we could pump the stuff out faster, and weve just now started to experiment with different nozzle shapes to pump faster, says Marcus Foley, one of the co-founders. But its still a slow process. The first tank top they produced took about 14 hours to emerge. Since then theyve added a second pump, cutting print time roughly in h alf. Our ideal goal would be to get it down to two hours this year. The fact that the tank top, and any future tank tops, will be produced by a machine that falls in the category of 3D printing, doesnt mean they must be made of synthetic materials. The textiles are not the spawn of a spool of ABS filament. Right now, the fabrics spun on the Electroloom are a mix of polyester and cotton, but the team has recently hired a materials scientist to expand the materials portfolio available to e-loom users. There are solvents that will dissolve pretty much anything, says Foley. The only problem we run into is that many are too dangerous to work with. So far, their material scientist has managed to make silk and acrylic work on the printer. Whatever the material a user might choose, the threads spewed out of the Electrolooms nozzles will end up formless if they dont land on something. Which is to say, DIY clothing designers will have to first make some mannequin-like structure with some othe r technology. For that perfect skintight catsuit, the target body would have to be scanned and then printed on a more conventional 3D printer. The resultant mannequin would be placed into the Electrloom to receive the microns-sized fibers. For the foreseeable future, the process requires molds to be in the machine, says Foley. Well provide molds with it, but they can be made out of anything. We hope people will experiment, cut out shapes of wood or metal. So far, the Electroloom has produced only a handful of garments headbands, those tank tops, a beanie. Although they have been worn as a proof-of-concept, none of them has entered anyones permanent wardrobe. It feels like a cohesive fabric, but theres still a lot of room for improvement on the durability front, says Foley. Though one tank top has survived repeated wearing, if it were to catch on a doorknob, that would be the end of it. But the current fragility of the printed textiles has done little to dampen the imagination of ear ly adopters eager to get their hands on the Electroloom. Thats one of the coolest parts of the project, says Foley. Every time we tell someone about this technology we get all kinds of crazy ideas. These include a toilet paper machine in the bathroom that would print fresh wipes with each visit, form-fitting condoms, and scrubs that could be printed in the operating room to insure sterility. But first the Electroloom will have to produce the quotidian. Weve been trying to keep our focus on 3D printed garments, says Foley. Thats what excited us the most the ability to download a t-shirt you like and just print it. Thats the overarching goal we are working with. Michael Abrams is an independent writer. Learn more about the latest trends in 3D printing atAM3DConference Expo For Further Discussion Thats one of the coolest parts of the project. Every time we tell someone about this technology we get all kinds of crazy ideas.Marcus Foley, co-founder, Electrloom
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
New study shows why Sheryl Sandbergs Lean In is not enough
New study shows why Sheryl Sandbergs Lean In is not enoughNew study shows why Sheryl Sandbergs Lean In is not enoughIn 2013, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg told women to lean in, advice that aimed to empower working women to take control of their careers.Her book - Lean In Women, Work, and the Will to Lead - gave women individual DIY solutions on how to get negotiate better, get recognized by their bosses and move up in their careers. The book welches a worldwide hit, but five years after its success, behavioral scientists from Duke University are casting doubt on the success within its premise.In a recent Harvard Business Review article, Grainne Fitzsimons,Aaron Kay, and Jae Yun Kim summarized their forthcoming results forJournal of Personality and Social Psychology. They found that when they recruited 2,000 Americans to actually sit down and read or listen to Sandbergs lean in advice, it did help them believe that women had the power to take charge of their care er.But one unintended side effect of this empowering message is that it also helped them believe that women are responsible for causing and fixing the problems they may face at work.New research casts doubt on the use of the lean in messageAcross six studies, participants were randomly assigned to either read or listen to the parts of Lean In that tell women to use individual solutions - to be more ambitious, risk-takers who demand their seat at the table - or other parts of Lean In that acknowledge structural factors like discrimination that can hold women back.The ones that listened to the individual solutions Lean In advised came to believe that women were wholly responsible for causing and solving their problems at work. When they read that Facebook female engineers get their code more scrutinized than their male peers, they were more likely to think that it was the female engineers responsibility to fix this result, and that structural changes like making code review anonymou s were not worthwhile.We are by no means suggesting Sandberg intended to blame women for inequality, the researchers conclude in HBR. But we do fear thatLean Ins main message- which emphasizes individual action as a way to address gender inequality - may lead people to view women as having played a greater role in sustaining and even causing gender inequality.Why do we start putting more of the burden on women to fix systemic inequities like gender pay gaps or managers biases? Because being confronted with the reality that the workplace is not a meritocracy is unpleasant. We would rather pin the blame on one person.Humans dont like injustice, and when they cannot easily fix it, they often engage in mental gymnastics to make the injustice more palatable, the researchers wrote. Blaming victims for their suffering is a classic example - e.g., that person must have done something to deserve whats happened to them.Yes, leaning in does empower women to believe they can handle whatever comes their way, but in the long-run, it should not be their individual responsibility to solve all the systemic problems - from gender pay gaps to needing to take family leave - they may face at work.For employers, we would suggest a consistent emphasis on the role that the organization plays, and not emphasize womens role in fixing the problem, Fitzsimons told Ladders. That kind of language seems to suggest to people that women are to blame, which reduces the chance that theyll endorse more structural/organization-level fixes.Even Sandberg herself has acknowledged that there are holes in her books argument. In 2016, after the loss of her husband, she wrote a Facebook post that acknowledged the privilege of having a lebenspartner to help out at home I did not really get how hard it is to succeed at work when you are overwhelmed at home, she wrote. Some people felt that I did not spend enough time writing about the difficulties women face when they have an unsupportive partner or no partner at all. They were right.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Certified Resume Writer Consolidates a 30-Year Career
Certified Resume Writer Consolidates a 30-Year CareerCertified Resume Writer Consolidates a 30-Year CareerHow a marketing executive re-did his resume with the help of a professional resume writer.Even for a marketer used to taglines and elevator pitches, drilling 30 years of experience into two pages can be a conundrum.Thats what teddy boy ran in to when articulating his 30-plus year career in marketing, branding and geschftlicher umgang development. Hed been everything from a publisher for a religious music and book business to a chief marketing officer. Hed even marketed greeting cards and co-founded a business venture.This man of many hats didnt know where to start.Ted also had an issue locating marketing jobs in an area that welches new to him. Having recently relocated to southern Florida from Colorado, Ted knew that he needed some help, and not just because of location.Working with Ladders, professional resume writer Ken Moore took on the challenge of consolidating a decades wo rth of varied experience.He didnt have a lengthy resume, but it went back as far as 1974 in just two pages. There welches a lot of detail buried in the original version, as well as a lot of specific jargon to the industries he served, Moore said. The biggest challenge with Teds resume was that there was no clear job target. We needed to get his immediate job goals in the forefront.I spent my whole career marketing and advancing others, Ted admitted. But I wasnt a good self-promoter. My wife said my resume was not highlighting my real talents.Investing time in the intake processI had some experience with Ladders as an executive at a small firm where I was also doing recruiting for that company, Ted said.He decided to try out Ladders free resume critique. Ted liked the critique and signed up for the full resume service with a professional resume writer. I was very aware of recent trends in careers, as I have stayed on top of all of this closely. Ive had life coaches and all that, so I know I needed a good tischset of eyes to get my resume to where I wanted it to be.Enter Ken Moore.Through the two-week intake process - a collaborative process between the job seeker and the writer - Moore learned that Ted needed a broad-reaching resume that would highlight a spectrum of marketing and business- development skills. Moore also learned that the job targets were three-pronged, including non-profit, direct marketing and publishing.I had spent a lot of time in my career on content, so I took the intake questionnaire very seriously, Ted said. I wanted to get this process right.Adapting the resume after the transactionMoore was able to get Teds resume focused on the p ast 12 to 15 years with an emphasis on business accomplishments, transferable skills and entrepreneurial experience.After intake, I was able to highlight Teds leadership programs that improved marketing and the bottom line, Moore said. I was able to take what he gave me and highlight how he improved process es and procedures, how he consolidated multiple brands in to one, and how revenue targets were hit. For example, in one of his jobs he was able to increase channel spending by 175 percent.After the process, Ted noted, Kens version of the resume was a major improvement over what I had. I would recommend this process tremendously, and I would do this again.I do think people need to be aware of one thing, however Its important that you take ownership of your resume once youve had it rewritten.Ted continued Make sure to tailor your resume for each job and insert industry-specific terminology if you are applying for a job where youve had that experience. You need to tweak your resume for every job you are applying to. The resume writer cant do it for you with every job application.I cant emphasize enough the value of networking, Ted said. While I believe strongly in the importance of an eye-grabbing resume, I know that it is just the thing that gets you in the door, not the end-all-be-al l of the process.Ted went on to emphasize that his activity in networking circles is what keeps him active in the job hunt. But he also stressed how confident he fe els knowing that his resume now presents the depth of his marketing experience and expertise as crafted by a professional resume service.Ken did a good job of distilling lots of diverse experience in to a summary of my whole career, Ted surmised. I gained more by doing this than I could have on my own.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Basics of Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plans
The Basics of Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) PlansThe Basics of Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) PlansAs a healthcare consumer, youve no doubt heard the term HMO before. In fact, this is the most popular of all health care plan models in the market. Where do HMOs come from? Heres some history on this type of employee benefit. In 1973, The Health Maintenance Organization Act amended the previous Public Health Service Act of 1944 and effectively transformed the way health benefits were to be managed in America and around the world. An Overview of HMO Plans An HMO is not really that complex. Under current US legal code, an HMO is defined as a public or private entity that meets both of the following requirements provides basic and supplemental health services to its membersis organized and operated in a state-approved manner Therefore, an HMO is an organization that has the sole purpose of providing equal access to health care services in exchange for members agreeing to certain terms. In most cases, this is an agreement to remain within a covered network of providers who have pre-negotiated for lower cost services, while mucksmuschenstill retaining the quality of care. These providers must meet high standards in order to join the network, and they must maintain excellent care ratings, so its a win-win for consumers. In many cases, the HMO supports preventative wellness care, which is what health care providers advocate for. This works well with corporate wellness programs and recommended routine medical care for certain demographics of the population. All HMOs undergo close scrutiny by many government organizations, including each State Department of Health in which they operate. HMOs came under fire in the late 1990s when it was discovered plan members were not getting the timely response and care they deserved. Since then, HMO management has improved thanks to electronic data management which streamlines data management and enrollment processes. The Benefits of HMO Plans HMOs are still one of the more popular health management options that employers offer, for a number of reasons. They are relatively easy to manage because of flat rate premiums for plan member types.Claims are less worrisome for plan members because they know how much their portion is, including office co-pays.HMOs are often cheaper health care plans for employers and members over the life of the plans.The quality of the doctors and health care centers are carefully monitored to the highest of standards, so plan members know they are getting the best possible care.An HMO approval process controls expensive medical claims before they take place, and this also protects consumers from fraud. Trends in the Health Care Market About HMO Use According to the experts in health care, the trend away from traditional fee-for-service health care plans has been steady over the last two decades. TheUS Department of Labor advises that fee-for-service plans accou nted for 96 percent of health care plans offered by medium and large public employers in 1984 and 20 years later they account for less than 15 percent of employer-provided health insurance.Managed health care policies continue to replace former cash-for-service health programs. Many companies offer at least three-tier employee benefits plans, with one or more as part of an HMO network. It is a cost-effective way of managing health care insurance and maintaining the quality of care. HMOs, continue to be a strong proponent of care in the health insurance market today.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Warning Signs on Graphic Design Resume You Need to Be Aware Of
Warning Signs on Graphic plan Resume You Need to Be Aware Of Rumors, Deception and Graphic Design Resume Art directors are in charge of ensuring that art teams work together for a fantastic final item. Regardless of whether you are searching for experienced or fresher graphic designer resume, the internet always has the choice to offer you best satisfaction when it has to do with the choice of designer resumes. Yur logo might very well be the very first thing that new customers of a geschftliches miteinander see. When it isnt said everywhere, then attempt to speak to the business to ask who is anyone accountable for it. Graphic design is just supposed to help convey content in a means thats pleasing to someones eye. If you are searching for the ideal solution to your problem, then designer resume templates will unquestionably be the very best choice you can make. Since you may see, theres a broad range of freebies to select from. A Huge selection of designer resume templa te makes it easy and possible that you produce the variety of the perfect resume. For example a provider asks you to send your resume, or perhaps you already know someone in the business and you only need to send is an official document containing the vital facts. There are lots of resume examples on the net, so all you have to do is search for them. Including samples of your work is the way you prove you know what youre doing. Make certain you get the info youre looking for. The Basics of Graphic Design Resume The requirement of graphic designer resume occurs whenever you dont know exactly the ideal option for your requirement. Engineering CVs have quite straightforward format. Its possible to either attend a conventional university or find courses online. Following your fancy graphic design resume is completed, have a look at this list of career alternatives. Resume is the best method to create the very best impression. If youre having trouble getting attention, be su re that you take a look at our tips to receive your resume noticed. Graphic Design Resume The web has affected peoples reading behavior through the years. The great thing for graphic designers without an experience is, its simple to find some. Theres no need to be worried about looking to discover a job working for somebody else since there are a lot of opportunities for people like you to get started working at home. Individuals will use functional summary resume examples to come up with an outline of the best method to present the releveant work experience. Downloading the readymade designer Resume Templates will supply you privilege of getting the very best opportunity of expressing yourself in the most effective method. Making your resume is vital. Typography is vital portion of the layout and Times New Roman just kills the typography since it is used too much. What About Graphic Design Resume? If youre a designer, you obviously wish to set yourself aside from the comp etition and showcase all your design skills on that single document. You are able to add the overview of technical skills in your CV to offer clear idea about your present skills. Your resume or CV may be among the most important projects you ever design. Each one of our creative style templates offer you a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and some style. So it was the best position someone could be at. Personal Objective Create a succinct statement about your goals for the desired position and the way you can benefit the business. Which means that you have to understand how to generate the ideal page that you may send to the organization and offer great first impact about yourself. Once you have selected your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our totally free expert guidance about ways to craft the great modern resume. Graphic Design Resume Fundamentals Explained Each template gives structure, examples and tips so you dont need t o start from scratch when creating your resume. It will be simpler that you format and make the content of your graphic designer resume if youre guided by templates and sample documents. Functional or combination format is significantly less preferred. Actually, the chronological resume template is easily the most traditional resume format. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Graphic Design Resume Maintain Clarity Recruiters ought to be able to glance at your resume to swiftly rate your background till they spend more time evaluating the specifics of your prior work. Dont forget, each resume ought to be different, based on the job in question. Both may be used to create chronological or functional resumes. What You Dont Know About Graphic Design Resume To find out more on what it requires to be a Graphic Designer, take a look at our complete Graphic Designer Job Description. Logo design is a rather popular artistic pursuit since these days everyone is branding. Job Res ume permits you to create your very own personal brand logo in just two or three minutes. Graphic Design Resume Options Its not unusual for a departing employee to inform you just what you desire to hearand no more. While your resume layout can be regarded as a mini-sample, it is insufficient to make that impression on employers. Its content-packed layout is ideal for engaging employers with numerous facts, from experience to education.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
What You Dont Know About Professional Resume Writing Service
What You Dont Know About Professional Resume Writing Service The Advantages of Professional Resume Writing Service Youre able to read about the experiences other people shared, which means you get an impression of the actual results youre likely to get. In any event, you will get precisely the same personalized company, and have a resume prepared which meets all your exacting needs. You need assistance with making a resume. There are, however, other matters you can do in order to help maintain a professional image and force you to stick out in your work atmosphere. The Hidden Truth About Professional Resume Writing Service If youve received notification that youre prepared for testing, then you can buy phase II for testing. Every customer may consult us at any opportunity to choose the templates, an illustration of the greatest resumes, a business, a deadline, and various other elements necessary to finish the purchase. Scannable resumes need specific page designs because computer scanners cannot read certain products. Fortunately, job searches are less difficult than ever with search tools all around the Internet that offer customizable job-seeking functions. The History of Professional Resume Writing Service Refuted Under such a circumstance its imperative that you customize your cv cover letter to every work application to be able to get maximize the targeting. Have a look at the skills in the work description and make sure that you have presented all in your CV, its sometimes not even bother to alter the wording of the exact same as in the work description. With a tiny bit of patience and perhaps even some expert aid, you can create a powerful, enticing, and above all, job winning resume. Every job needs to be accomplished by specialists as you wont ever call sanitary technician whenever you have toothache. What You Must Know About Professional Resume Writing Service Resume writing is the main step in presenting your abilities and receivin g the job that you desire. Online resume writing tips should be fairly generic to satisfy the requirements of a massive audience. Effective career management is a continuous work. Consult your professional resume writer how theyd structure your resume to fit your requirements. Our talent is to assist you to sell your talents. The business will write up a resume that may get you hired, and thatll be based on trends in the business, the manner HR professionals are trained, and your signature voice. So go on and register yourself on the site and find out how you achieve professional success. You ought to create a personal brand. Or if you prefer to physically get a copy of the finished product. A Resume Writing Company understands that like all excellent things, writing a great CV is likewise an art which has to be started from a scratch. No matter whats the deadline, Resume writing tafelgeschirrs will make certain that the exact same is met with no delays. Makes it simple f or them to locate a job applicant with a resume on file for at least a month. If youre on the lookout for professional federal resume writing services you may trust to secure you the federal job youve always wanted, SES Resume Writers is just what you demand. Status applicants include individuals that are qualified for transfer. The Resume Station also painstakingly monitors the quantity of clients to guarantee expedient and personalized support. So you can depend on the tailored resumes for various businesses. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Professional Resume Writing Service Its possible to receive a professional resume writing service to assist you, and theyll build a new resume that looks good, has the appropriate info, and is the best length. You should include contact information that will enable folks to find you easily. Make certain you edit out as much information as possible. When the info is received, Mr. Wolf will call you, and go over all your informatio n, along with any other information that is needed. In many cases, job seekers may apply for positions on-line. Your career and income depend on your capacity to have a job when attempting to acquire your resume right, theres a whole lot at stake. Lots of people dont like their present job or career. The Lost Secret of Professional Resume Writing Service Resume preparation is the initial step in a prosperous career search. Dont forget, it doesnt have to apply to you.
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